Monday 30 January 2012


Ielts Genral Training

Change to GT Reading Paper


Change to the General Training Reading Paper

From 1 May 2009, we are making a small but important change to the General Training Reading paper.
Currently, Section 2 of the General Training Reading paper focuses on the training context. From 1 May 2009, this section will focus on the work context (e.g. applying for jobs, company policies, pay and conditions, workplace facilities, staff development etc).
The General Training module is increasingly recognised by employers, professional bodies and immigration authorities. This change will ensure that the module will more closely meet the needs of candidates who take IELTS for employment or immigration purposes.
The other sections of the General Training Reading paper will remain unchanged.

SECTION 2 Questions 15 – 27
Read the text below and answer Questions 15-20.
Advice for Employees
Safe computer use
Most people suffer no ill-effects from using VDUs (Visual Display Units) as they don’t
give out harmful levels of radiation and rarely cause any kind of skin complaint. If you
do suffer ill-effects, it may be because of the way you’re using the computer and this can
be avoided by well-designed workstations. When working at a VDU, make sure you keep
a good posture and that your eyes are level with the screen.
Under health and safety regulations your employer should look at VDU workstations, and
reduce any risks by supplying any equipment considered necessary (e.g. a wrist rest).
They should also provide health and safety training. This also applies if you’re working at
home as an employee and using a VDU for a long period of time. There is no legal limit
to how long you should work at a VDU, but under health and safety regulations you have
the right to breaks from work using a VDU. This doesn’t have to be a rest break, just a
different type of work. Guidance from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) suggests
it’s better to take frequent short breaks but if your job means spending long periods at a
VDU, for example as in the case of data input, then longer breaks from your workstation
should be introduced.
If you’re disabled, your employer's duty to make reasonable adjustments for you may
mean that they will provide you with special computer equipment. You can also get
advice and maybe help with paying for equipment from the local job centre.
Studies haven’t shown a link between VDU use and damage to eyesight, but if you feel
that using a VDU screen is making your eyes tired, tell your employee safety
representative. You have the right to a free eyesight test if you use a VDU a lot during
work hours. If you’re prescribed glasses your company must pay for them, provided
they’re required in your job.
If you have any health problems you think may be caused by your VDU, contact your
line manager. He/she has a duty to consult you on health and safety issues that affect
you, and should welcome early reporting of any issue.
Questions 15 – 20
Complete the sentences below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.
15 It is unusual to get a ………… as a result of using computers.
16 Employers may be required to provide you with items such as a ………… to use
while at work.
17 If your job involves tasks such as ………… , the advice from the HSE may not apply.
18 Financial assistance in the case of special requirements may be available from
the ………….
19 The company is obliged to cover the cost of ………… if you need them while
20 Any concerns about the effect of using a VDU on your general well-being should be
reported to ………… .
Read the text below and answer Questions 21-27.
Careers with Kiwi Air
Flight Attendants – Recruitment and Training Process
The position of Flight Attendant is one of prestige and immense responsibility.
Recruitment is conducted according to operational demands and there can be
periods of up to 12 months where no new intake is required. However, applications
are always welcomed.
After you submit your initial application online, the Kiwi Air HR Services Team review
the details you have provided. Candidates whose details closely match the
requirements of the position are then contacted via email advising that their
application has progressed to the next stage of the recruitment process. Potential
candidates are then asked to attend a Walk-In Day. This could occur several weeks
or months after the original application has been submitted depending on current
The Walk-In Day consists of a brief presentation about the role and a short interview.
Candidates who are successful on the Walk-In Day are notified within 10 days and
invited to attend an Assessment Centre. Please note that candidates are required to
pass a swimming test before attending the Assessment Centre. At the Assessment
Centre, candidates attend an interview as well as participating in a number of
assessments. Verbal references are then requested, and candidates attend a
medical check.
At times, there may not be a need to recruit for Flight Attendant positions. However,
the company continuously maintains a ‘recruitment pool’ of those who have
completed the Assessment Centre stage. These candidates are contacted when a
need for Flight Attendants is established, and attend a full interview before a decision
is made on whether to extend an offer of employment.
Due to the volume of applications received, Kiwi Air is not able to offer verbal
feedback to candidates at any stage of the recruitment process. Unsuccessful
candidates may reapply at any time after 12 months from the date at which their
applications are declined.
Upon being offered a role as a trainee Flight Attendant, a 5-week training course is
undertaken at our Inflight Services Training Centre in Auckland. This covers
emergency procedures, customer care and service delivery, and equipment
knowledge. To successfully complete the course, high standards must be attained
and maintained in all subjects.
Questions 21 – 27
Complete the flow-chart below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 21 -27 on your answer sheet.
Flight attendants of Kiwi Air – Recruitment and Training Process
Candidates go online to complete their 21 ………… .
Suitable candidates are then invited to come to a 22 ………… .
After having satisfactorily completed a 23 ………… , successful
candidates will then go to an Assessment Centre.
Kiwi Air then asks for 24 ………… and candidates are required to
undergo a medical check.
If there is no immediate need for flight attendants, successful candidates
are put into a 25 ………… .
When the need arises, these candidates will then be given
a 26 ………… , after which they may be offered a job.
On starting the job, a 5-week training programme is given which includes
how to look after passengers and what to do in an 27 ………… .
15 skin complaint
16 wrist rest
17 data input
18 (local) job centre
19 (your) glasses
20 your line manager
21 (initial) application(s)
22 Walk-In Day
23 swimming test
24 verbal references
25 recruitment pool
26 full interview
27 emergency


WRITING Task 2 Topic List (Academic and GT Modules)
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
1.       Some employers reward members of staff for their excellent contribution to the company by giving them extra money. This practice can act as an incentive for some but may also have a negative impact on others. How far do you agree or disagree with the statement?
2.      It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance, for sports or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician? Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
3.       Action movies with spectacular car chases are getting popularity these days. It is often said that such movies often lead to an incredible increase in accidents. Do you agree that these movies are responsible for bad driving? What can be done to encourage the young drivers to drive more safely?
4.      Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
5.      As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of wellbeing. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?
6.      Some people believe that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful for an employer. What in your opinion should be the main function of a university?
7.       Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. Do you agree or disagree?
8.      Compare the advantages and disadvantages of any three of the following as media for communicating information. State which do you think is considered to be most effective: comics, books, radio, television, film, and theatre.
9.      Creative artists should always be given freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restrictions on what they do. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
10.   Technology is making communication easier in today’s world but at the expense of personal contact, as many people choose to work at home sitting in front of their computer screens. What dangers are there for a society which depends on computer screens rather than face-to-face contact for its main means of communication?
11.   Should criminals be punished with lengthy jail terms or should they be re-educated and re-habilitated before they are reintroduced to the society.  Do you agree or disagree?
12.   Most countries offer two education systems from which parents can select the form of schooling which best suits their children. Compare and contrast the state-run and privately-owned schools in your country.
13.   The percentage of overweight children in western societies has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years. Discuss the possible causes and effects of this disturbing trend and offer a solution.
14.   Today, the media portrays young people as lazy and disrespectful. Do you think it is true? Are young people, today, worse than their elders?  Or is it just a point of criticism on the youth?
  1. Some people think that governments should spend as much money as possible on developing or buying computer technology. Other people disagree and think that this money should be spent on more basic needs. Which one of these opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

  1. Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
17.   The rising levels of congestion and air pollution found in most of the world cities can be attributed directly to the rapidly increasing number of private cars in use. Discuss possible ways to encourage the use of public transport.
  1. Examination is the only criterion to judge students abilities. Institutions insist that without examination it is difficult to
    judge a students proficiency in any field. Do you agree or disagree. Give reasons to support your answer.
19.   Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women?
20.  Nowadays doctors can become very rich. Maybe they should not focus on profitable activities such as plastic surgery or looking after rich patients and should concentrate more on patients’ health, no matter how rich they are?
  1. Children should be introduced to computers at a very early age. Do you agree or disagree with it? Give reasons to support your answer.
22.  Too much attention is paid to and too much money is spent on keeping pets. Some people say that this money should be spent on the people who are starving. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
23.   Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country.
24.  Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
25.  Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow the local customs and behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences. What do you think?
26.  Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
27.   Buying fashionable clothes is wasteful because people don’t need new clothes all the time. Clothing should be bought and used more wisely. Do you agree?
28.  It seems that many countries today are becoming much more concerned with profit than with the happiness of their workers. How could companies take care of their workers in future?
29.  Some people say that friends are more important than family in today’s world; others say that family is always more important. Write in support of any one of these two views.
  1. In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer? Use reasons and specific details to explain your choice.

  1. Popular events like the football world cup and other international sporting events are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in the safe way. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.

  1. Some people view ‘conflict’ between teenagers and parents as a necessary part of growth, while others view it something negative that must be avoided. What do you think?

  1. Although modern life has brought with it improvements in people’s standard of living, people are not generally happy with their lives. Do you agree or disagree?

  1. Most schools offer some type of physical education program to their students.  Why is physical education important? Should physical education classes be compulsory or optional?

  1. More and more people are relying on the Internet as their major source of news and information. What advantages does the Internet have for the average person? What disadvantages could it have now or in the future?

  1. In the past, sporting champions used to be motivated primarily by the desire to win a match or to break world records. These days they are more likely to be motivated by the prize money and the opportunity to be famous. What message does this send to the young people and how does this attitude affect the sports themselves?

  1. ‘Failure is proof that the desire wasn’t strong enough’ Use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your argument with examples and relevant experience.

38.    Has modern technology made life more convenient, or was life better when technology was simpler?

LAST UPDATED: 29 October,2010


Should governments spend money on art, when they have so many other important issues and concerns? 

Spending on Art

Art is a basic human need. Governments have a responsibility to spend money on art for their citizens.
Throughout the ages, man has tried to create beauty through painting, music, sculpture and other artistic expression. It seems to be a basic need of humans to surround themselves with art. However some people feel that government’s money spent on art is wasted, particularly when there are so many other demands on it. This essay will examine the conflict between those who say art is important and those who feel it is a waste of money.
It can be wrong for governments to spend large sums of money on art. Too often, governments spend unwisely. They spend money on art not because a picture is good or a museum is needed, but for political reasons. Cities end up with huge statues or empty expensive buildings that are used only by a few people or the elite. Another point is that the artworks are often chosen to represent social or political rather than artistic ideas. The city gets yet another statue of the leader or an ugly monument to national aspirations. A third point is that governments often respond to fashions, and tastes in art can change very rapidly. Without careful advice an expensive collection of worthless paintings or tasteless productions can be the result.
However, it would be wrong to say that governments should not spend any money at all on art. Painters, musicians, and composers cannot survive without financial support. Rich people or large companies do finance art, but then it is often inaccessible to ordinary people. Governments have a duty to make this art available to everyone. However, the most important reason why governments should support the arts is because an appreciation of art is one of the things that makes life worthwhile. Humans do not need just shelter and food. Creative people have always tried to look at things in a new way and to make the world a better place through painting, music, poetry, calligraphy, sculpture, dance, and numerous other forms of expression. While art may not make us immortal, it does make the world a richer place for future generations.
In conclusion, although people do need to be provided with the necessities of life, such as housing and medical care, governments also have a duty to provide their citizens with something more. They should make sure that they pass on beauty, ideas and expression to the next generation and make art available to all instead of being the possession of only the few. I firmly believe that spending money on art is a vital part of a government's responsibility, and I am confident that my country will be able to contribute its share to the richness of the world's art and creativity.
447 words

In the fight against crime, police forces and governments are increasingly using security cameras in public places. Some people are opposed to this, saying that it invades our privacy. What do you think?

Security Cameras and Privacy

Does the individual have a right to privacy?
Security cameras have become ubiquitous in many countries. Whereas before they appeared only in banks and at high-security areas, they are now entering public places such as malls, streets, stadiums and transport. Many people feel this affects their privacy. This essay will examine whether the advantages of these cameras outweigh their negative impact.
Surveillance cameras have several benefits. An obvious benefit is that the police can catch criminals in the act, thus reducing crime. This will make the streets safer for ordinary people. A more important point is that criminals, particularly young offenders or petty criminals will be deterred. They will not be tempted to carry out crimes, and thus society will be a lot safer. Cameras are also cost-effective and unobtrusive. Authorities do not need to spend large amounts of money on police.
However, security cameras are far from being a perfect solution. The biggest objection concerns privacy. Many people feel that they should be free to travel or move around a shop, mall, street or country without being photographed or recorded. They feel that being watched constantly is like being in a jail, and that ordinary people are losing their freedom because of these devices. Another point is that although the police say that only criminals have something to fear from the cameras, many people do not trust governments with too much information. Corrupt authorities could use information in the wrong way or twist it to victimize some groups. Thirdly, cameras and computers can make mistakes.
In conclusion, although there are definite advantages to using surveillance devices such as cameras, we need to balance the need for security with respect for the individual's privacy and freedom. If we do not trust the members of society, a situation like George Orwell's "1984" could be the result.
297 words

Should animals be used in testing new drugs and procedures? 

Animal Testing

Advantages of Animal Testing in Medical Research
Medical research involving animals has dramatically improved the health of the human race. Without animal testing, the cure for polio would not exist and diabetics would suffer or die from their disease. Despite these benefits, some people believe that animals should be not be used for testing medical techniques and drugs. This essay will outline the advantages of animal testing.
Animal testing allows scientists to test and create new drugs. Animals such as monkeys or rabbits have similar physical processes to humans. This allows scientists to test the effects of certain drugs. If a drug produces adverse effects in animals it is probably unfit for human use.
Animal testing is cheap. There is a large supply of animals for medical research. Animals are easily bred, and maintained safely in controlled labs. The costs of testing in humans would be extremely high.
Many people argue that animal testing is cruel. In some cases this is true. However it would be much more cruel to test new drugs on people or children, or to let people die because there was not enough information about a drug. Furthermore, legislation in most countries sets standards for animal treatment, and laboratories have guidelines to prevent cruelty.
Opponents of animal research also say that information from animals does not apply to humans. They point to certain commercial drugs which have been withdrawn because of side-effects in humans While it is true that animal systems differ from human systems, there are enough similarities to apply information from animals to humans.
Animal rights campaigners claim that we don’t need new tests because we already have vast amounts of information. However, many new deadly infections appear every year and new treatments and drugs are needed to combat these deadly plagues.
Animal testing is needed in the world we live in. Our responsibility is to manage the animals in our care and balance their suffering against the good that comes from them.
321 words

Does foreign aid work?  Or does it only help the rich country by keeping the poorer country dependent?

Should rich countries help poorer ones?

Today, the world is becoming more and more closely linked. Trade has increased and the movement of people between countries is greater than ever before. However, billions of people still live in poverty, and in many places, the gap between rich and poor is widening. This essay will look at the arguments for and against helping poor countries.
There are many reasons for helping poor countries. First of all, there are humanitarian reasons. Like individuals who give to charity, many countries feel it is their religious, social, or moral duty to help people in other countries who are suffering from famine, drought, war, or disease. However, many rich countries also donate money for political or diplomatic reasons. They want to maintain a relationship of dependency with the recipient, or simply to influence the government and direction of the country. A further reason why many countries help poorer ones is for economic reasons. The donors may want to control the supply of commodities such as oil, water, or wheat. Alternatively, the richer country may want to ensure markets for their own products, whether these are planes, computers or shoes.
However, aid is not necessarily the best way to help a country. For one thing, billions of dollars of aid often goes missing, into corrupt governments or inefficient administration. A second point is that many foreign aid projects are unsuitable for the target country. Many agencies build huge dams or industrial projects that fail after a few years or that do not involve the local people. Furthermore, much aid returns to the donor. This can be in the form of expensive specialized equipment and experts from the donor country.
There are many other ways we can help poor countries. Opening up trade barriers, so that poor countries can sell their goods is one way. Another is to remove subsidies so that imported goods from poorer countries can compete fairly. A third method is to forgive debts. Many poor countries have huge interest repayments on old loans.
The needs of the poorer countries may seem obvious. However, although our humanity makes us want to help eliminate poverty and suffering, we must examine the real needs of poor countries and implement solutions that will benefit both them and us.
373 words


 General Hints for Writing Task 1
2 The Opening Greeting of the Letter
Your letter will probably need to be a reasonably informal letter
to a friend or a semi-formal letter. The opening of your letter
should reflect which one you are writing.

A friendly letter will open with Dear followed by a name which
should then be followed by a comma, eg:
Dear John,
A semi-formal letter will also open with Dear and then be followed
 by a name, (if you decide that in the situation you would
know the name) or by Sir (if it's a man), Madam (if it's a woman)
or Sir/Madam if you don't know, eg:
Dear Mr. Phillips,
Dear Mrs. Phillips,
Dear Sir,
Dear Madam,
Dear Sir/Madam,
The question also might specify how you are to begin so follow
what it says.
3 The Opening Paragraph of the Letter
In a semi-formal letter, I feel it is important to state the
reason for the letter straight away. You could use the
following to help you:
I am writing to ask/ tell//inform you that...
I am writing to ask/inquire...
I am writing with regard to...
I am writing with reference to...
I am writing in connection with...
I am writing in response to...
In reply to your letter, I am writing to... (if the question
indicates that you
have had a letter)
If the letter is a less formal one to a friend then you
should open the letter in a friendlier way. EG:
Dear John,

Hi there! It's been so long since I've heard from you.
I hope you are doing well and I hope all you family are
doing fine. I'm pretty good in spite of working hard.
Anyway, the reason I'm writing is...
4 The Substance of the Letter
I've already gone into detail about answering the question
 fully and using your imagination to produce a realistic
letter fulfilling all functions so I won't repeat that.
Through great experience with IELTS, I can say that
questions tend to ask you to do certain things. Here
I will give you some ideas about some language to use
in the substance of the letter which will help you to
 answer the task well.
Asking for HelpI would like you to...
I would be grateful if you could...
I need to ask your advice about...
I'd like to ask for information about...
What I'm looking for is...
I'm writing to express my dissatisfaction/annoyance/ about...
I'm writing to express my anger at...
I am not happy about...
... is not what I expected/was expecting.
I want to know what you are going to do about this situation.
NB When complaining, don't get too angry. I've had students
who really became too heated in their complaints. In a polite
 semi-formal letter, this should not happen. Also, do not
 over-exaggerate. If it's a reasonably small and understandable
 problem, do say that you're not satisfied but show that you
understand and stay calm in your expressions.
I'm very grateful for...
I'd like to thank you very much for...
I very much appreciated...
I'm very sorry that/about...
Please forgive me for...
I'd like to apologize about...
Please accept my apologies
5 Ending your Letter
First of all, in English we often end letters before the sign
off with certain phrases. These can be included in most
letters and will make your letter seem realistic and
polished. For a formal letter, you could use:
If you require any further information, please do not
 hesitate to contact me. Thanking you in advance for
your help, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

For a more informal letter you could use:
If you need to know anything else, just get in touch
with me as soon as you can. Thanks a lot for your
help and I hope to hear from you soon.
Be careful though! IELTS examiners quite rightly
look for writing that has been memorised and just
 repeated so, if you use expressions like the ones
 above, make sure that they fit in with the rest of
 your letter.

Finally you'll need to sign off your letter. For a
formal letter use:
Yours faithfully, OR
Yours sincerely
Remember the commas (it makes a good impression
 on the examiner if you use good punctuation) and
spell "sincerely"  correctly (a lot of people don't!).

For an informal letter, love is not always appropriate
though English speakers use it a lot. Better would be to use:
Best wishes,

Sample task 1 for general training module

*       You will move to a new city for work. You know some people who live there

1.      Ask them for help finding accommodation
2.      Tell them where you would like to live
3.      Tell them the type of place you are looking for

Dear Sir

I wanted to let you know that I am coming to live in (city) and I would like
 to ask if you can help me with a few things before I arrive and start my
new job.

Do you think you could give me a hand finding somewhere to live? Ideally
I would like to live close to where I am going to be working, or in the
downtown district. If possible I would like to be near some shops, like
a supermarket and a DVD rental place. As I really love sports it would
be great to be near a park too.

I’m not too worried about the place itself. Obviously I will be looking for
a flat, rather than a house, as it is just going to be me and I won’t be
able to afford too much. So, a place with one bedroom is fine, but I
would like to have a private bathroom (not shared), a kitchen and
some kind of living room. It doesn’t matter if the kitchen is small,
but it would nice to have one. I would prefer to live somewhere new,
so anything in a modern apartment block would be great.

Thanks for your help (206 words)
Yours truly,

*       Your car is hired from a company and while you are
     driving on holiday, you have a small accident. You will
     have to write a report to the company to explain it.
You need to explain the following:
1. When and where you hired it?
2. Describe how the accident happened?
3. What kind of action did you take after the accident?

Dear Sir

I am a recent customer of your rental company having I rented a car
from your downtown outlet in Detroit. The car hired was an economy
 model vehicle which I rented from March 21st to the present. I would
like to commend your company on their professionalism and the
service offered, and as such I am sure you will handle my incident
with these qualities.

Unfortunately, I had an unavoidable accident involving the
aforementioned vehicle and another party. The accident
was caused by the other car failing to stop at the red light
of the intersection I was passing through, and as such the
second party collided into the driver's side of my automobile.
The police were informed in situ, whereupon they recorded
 information regarding the accident and the other driver’s
 insurance details.

The police established the other driver's responsibility for the
 accident, and the second party's insurance company has
been informed. I would like to request that a replacement
vehicle be offered while my current vehicle is incapacitated.
Once again, I would like to commend your company's
professional attitude.

Yours sincerely
(184 words

*       You cannot go to a company where you got an offer.
      Write a letter to the HR supervisor to

1. Explain the reason why you decline the offer
2. Express you gratitude
3. Explain you like your current job very much.
Dear Sir

I was a potential employee to whom you made a job offer. I would
like to extend my thanks for such an offer, especially at such a
company as yours. It is, however, with deepest regret that I must
 decline your generous invitation and apologize for any
inconvenience I may have caused.

I appreciate immensely the interview organized by your company
 and the extensive effort made by all the staff involved. Their
attitude was impressive and highly commendable. As such I must
 pass my sincerest apologies for any difficulties related to the
 extra work that must have been involved, and the time wasted
on your behalf. Although the offer was substantial, it wasn’t
enough to encourage me to sever the bonds with my current
employer. During my time at my present company my superiors
supported me and fostered my career. In short, they made me
 the employee I am today.

I would like to keep the lines of communication open between
our two parties, and look forward to further correspondence.

Yours sincerely
(174 words)

*       You have just spent a weekend at a friend’s house.
     When you returned home, you discovered you have
     left a coat containing some belongings in his house.

Write a letter to your friend telling him that you left
     the coat. Tell him what the coat looks like, where
     you think you left it and what was inside it. Make
     some suggestions about how to get it back.

Dear John,

I am back at home now after that great weekend at your house.
Thanks very much for putting me up. I hope you will be able to
come and stay with me some time soon as well.

Unfortunately I left my new coat at your house. Do you remember
 the dark brown one that I wore when we went walking on Saturday
 afternoon? It is a New Look coat that goes down to mid-thigh level.
 It has a black collar, dark brown buttons and large pockets on both
 sides. I think I left it on the hooks behind your front door. Do you
 remember we hung up our coats there when we got back from our

It‛s quite important for me as I have my wallet in the inside breast
pocket and my diary in the right outside pocket. I have a friend who
 is driving through your town on Thursday and he will be quite near
your office. Could he please collect it from there? I have given him
your office phone number and he will call you on Thursday morning.
Give me a call if this is not possible.

Anyway, thanks again for a great weekend and I hope to see you soon.

Regards, (208 words)

*       You have been offered a job, asking you to start next week.
        You want the job very much but, because of
        a previous commitment, you want to delay the start for another
        two weeks.

        Write to the Manager, accepting the job, but explaining your
        situation and asking for the change to
        your start date.
model answer (with some errors):
Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to request putting off the job which you have offered.

 I really want the job but I have a important previous commitment.
So, I cannot start to work next week.

I was offered the job yesterday, which wanted me to start next week.
 Thank you so much for offering the job. I really want to work at your
 company. However, I cannot start next week because I have a
previous commitment which is my sister's wedding. It is next
weekend, besides. She lives in Korea and she want me to prepare
her wedding with my parents. So I have to go to Korea next Monday.
After the wedding I will travel a few days with my parents who
wanted me to travel because I have lived for 4 years far from home.

That is why I cannot start the work next week. I will come back to
 Sydney two weeks later. I would like to delay the start for another
 two weeks. Could you delay the start date for me?

Once again, thank you very much for offering it. I look
forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully
This letter shows fluency, and includes some variety in vocabulary
and expressions. However, there is also some repetition and some
 errors in grammar, such as the following:

1) Choice of the type of article when the following word begins with a vowel sound (line 1)
2) Verb tense (line 2)
3) Incorrect linkage (replace relative clause) (line 3)
4) Incorrect use of vocabulary (line 5)
5) Missing preposition (line 7)
6) Word order (line 7)
7) Incorrect vocabulary (line 8)
8) Incorrect time expressions (line 8)
9) Agreement: linking of ‘it’ to related singular noun (line 1)

List of Gen Tr Task 1 Topics

Here is the list of letters that will help you prepare for the General Training Task 1.
1.      You bought an iron from a local shop, yesterday. When you got it home, you found that it does not work properly. In addition, the water container also leaks. Write a letter to the shop manager and request another iron. You would prefer another brand. Explain the reasons why do you want the replacement?
2.      You share a room of a hostel. You are not happy with this arrangement. You find it very difficult to get along with this roommate. Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer and explain the situation. Suggest a new arrangement.
3.      You are planning to open a restaurant in a newly constructed shopping mall. The management of the mall has offered you a place in the mall. Write a letter to the manager of the mall and request for the details.
4.      Your child wants to go on a school excursion to a town about twenty miles away. The children will sleep overnight at a youth hostel. Write a letter to the principal of the school about the facilities at youth hostel, how the children will be supervised, and whether they will need to bring their own bed linen.
5.      You traveled from London to Houston last month and lost a suitcase during the flight. You talked to the manager luggage but still have not received any response, in this regard. Write a letter to him and explain the whole situation. Describe your suitcase precisely and tell him what was in it.
6.      You have a neighbor who regularly cooks food on a very smoky outdoor barbecue. The smoke directly blows into your home. You have already complained to your neighbor but he refused to clean the barbecue. Request him to stop this exercise as it is creating continuous nuisance.
7.      You are organizing a school trip to a place of interest, a day’s drive from the school. You have planned to stay in the youth hostel. Write a letter to the hostel warden and enquire of the available facilities, such as, food and entertainment. Also gather information about the dress code and the type of accommodation they offer.
8.      The local car garage has sent you a $400 bill for the repair of your car. You know that you only requested for tuning and rear wheel alignment only which does not cost too much. Write a letter to the manager of the garage explaining the whole situation. Try to clarify your situation.
9.      You borrowed some books from the college library and were unable to return because you had to travel to another city to see one of your close relatives who is hospitalized after a road accident. Write a letter to the librarian and explain what happened.
10. Write a letter to a bus company saying you have left something valuable on the bus. Request them to look into this matter.
11. Your neighbours have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your flat. Write a letter to your neighbours. In your letter: explain the reasons for the noise; apologise; and describe what action you will take.
12. You are the secretary of your college debating society. A local politician has been in the news recently for his/her views on the banning of blood sports. Your members have suggested he/she might make a good guest speaker at a debate on hunting.

Write to the politician inviting him/her to speak at a debate. Include details of venue, time, other speakers and refreshments.
13. Your children are frequent users of a local public swimming pool. Recently they have been unwilling to go to the pool and you suspect they may have been bullied by older children there.
Write a letter to the Pool Superintendent.
 14. You have a full time job and are also doing a part time evening course. You now find that you can not continue  the course. Write a letter to your course tutor. In your letter, describe the situation, explain why you can not continue at this time, and say what action you would like to take.